For any company, the capability to successfully face the market resides on the offered product quality on its broadest meaning. Of course the demanded characteristics represent one of its important aspect.

The market segments served by CPE Italia are some of the most critical ones: avionic, telecommunication, medical (just to mention few very peculiar) cannot rely just on the statements of their suppliers, they need facts.

Than it is quite evident that measured values are the most significant and self-explanatory parameters. Not only, but the tests must be performed with appropriate tools, in adequate environments, following specified procedures and rules.

CPE Italia is well aware of the above requirements and all its plants are equipped with tools , procedures and skilled people to perform the established and compulsory tests. Particularly, its R&D Dptm must be aware of all prescribed tests, perform them after the product design and define the necessary procedures that plants must follow after the production cycles.
Should a product require some specific tests for which, for any reason, tools or skill are not inside, the Company will appoint an external qualified Laboratory that will produce the requested results.

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